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EREBB Global Classroom Project
MORE English
Form 3 Penpal Exchange
MORE English
1st year secondary students received their first international assessment certificates
MORE Primary | Secondary
Stella Maris MUN Club and DER helping to strengthen EREBB bonds
MORE English
Spread the news and not the virus:
MORE English
Form 6 kids have just finished their CPC English exam papers
MORE English
Form 6 visits Los Tréboles
MORE Primary | English
2nd year secondary students reflect: can you find a link between coronavirus and globalisation?
MORE Secondary | English
Learning and having fun during the pandemic
MORE Secondary | English
"Lamb to the Slaughter†- distance learning
MORE Secondary | English
Visit the Science
MORE Primary
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Results 2019
MORE Primary | English
Form 6 has finished with their CPC's
MORE Primary | English
Global Perspectives
MORE Primary
Form 5 delights us with their performance
MORE Primary
Form 5 Spoken Language Assessment
MORE Primary | English
Form 4 Drama Performances
MORE Primary | English
MUN poster contest prize giving ceremony
MORE English
Exchange programme with Canadian Edmund Rice schools
MORE Secondary | English
MUN Conference at St Brendan's: a challenge for the brave
MORE Secondary | English
Visit the Science
MORE Primary
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Results 2019
MORE Primary
Form 6 visits Los Tréboles
MORE Primary
Form 5 delights us with their performance
MORE Primary
Form 4 Drama Performances
MORE Primary
Form 6 has finished with their CPC's
MORE Primary
Cooking for "La Olla"
MORE Primary
EREA visit!
MORE Primary
2nd year secondary students reflect: can you find a link between coronavirus and globalisation?
MORE Secondary
Learning and having fun during the pandemic
MORE Secondary
"Lamb to the Slaughter†- distance learning
MORE Secondary
Approaching 'The Crucible' through Padlet
MORE Secondary
Debate in the east
MORE Secondary
Exchange programme with Canadian Edmund Rice schools
MORE Secondary
MUN Conference at St Brendan's: a challenge for the brave
MORE Secondary
The MUN Club went to visit 2nd Year Secondary
MORE Secondary
EREBB Global Classroom Project
MORE English
Form 3 Penpal Exchange
MORE English
Stella Maris MUN Club and DER helping to strengthen EREBB bonds
MORE English
Form 6 visits Los Tréboles
MORE English
Spread the news and not the virus:
MORE English
Form 6 kids have just finished their CPC English exam papers
MORE English
Debate in the east
MORE English
2nd year secondary students reflect: can you find a link between coronavirus and globalisation?
MORE English
International Edmund Rice Leadership Symposium
MORE Religious Education
EREA visit!
MORE Religious Education
MORE Religious Education
Canonical visitation of Brothers John Casey, Julian McDonald and Hugh O'Neill
MORE Religious Education
LATAM Magazine 2018
MORE Religious Education
MORE Religious Education
MORE Religious Education
Mary's presence in our community
MORE Religious Education